Thursday, September 23, 2010

Forward Facing Car Rides

James and I bought Kathryn's big girl car seats about two months ago, anxiously awaiting the day she finally weighed 20 lbs and was 12 months old.  Her birthday came and went and we took her to the pediatrician to see how our big girl had grown.  Well, big isn't the word I should be using when I refer to Kathryn.  At her 12 month checkup she was still not 20 lbs!  At the advice of our doctor, we left our brand new car seats in the box to wait for her to grow a little more.  Well, today we decided the chunk is ready to forward face.  James treated me to a pedicure at his mom's salon so what a perfect opportunity to try the seat out, right?  Well, let's just say Minis LOVED her new car seat!  The whole ride she was giggling and putting her hands on the window.  So adorable.

A pedicure was exactly what I needed after a stressful week.  Kathryn had a great time hanging out, in fact such a great time that she ended up passing out on her daddy.

It's not often that a 12 month old will fall asleep on her mom or dad, so when it happens, you just have to cherish the moment.

After my amazing pedicure we were headed back home.  Although Kathryn slept through most of it, she was pretty cranky when we got to the house.  Check out these classic faces!

Another day in the life of a Mini :)

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