Last Saturday afternoon hubs came home at the usual time around 5:00, and Kathryn and I were there to greet him. The three of us were in the master bedroom on the bed relaxing and talking, basically postponing the dinner routine. I turned for literally 3 seconds and she was on the ground crying. She had fallen off our king size bed, which is 30 inches from the stained concrete floor, onto her face. Let me repeat, stained
concrete and
face. I don't know who cried harder, her or I. It was one of the worst mother moments in my life. Kathryn crying in pain, me crying and screaming I'm the worst mother in the world, and my wonderful husband trying to calm us both down. In my mind, I kept going back and forth that she was ok, then she wasn't and we needed to go to the doctor, then again she was ok, and then again we needed to go. Finally, James and I decided it would be best to take her in to make sure nothing was wrong internally with her face or eye. We spent the next couple of hours at Cook's Children's Emergency Room, which is luckily 5 minutes from our house. She spent the visit eating her dinner, drinking water, and watching Dora. By the time we were finally seen she had fallen asleep in her daddy's arms. The doctor told us she was going to be just fine, and the part of her face she hit houses the strongest bones in the skull. Lucky us! We scooped her up and took her back home. She went to sleep pretty quickly, and I checked on her every hour (literally).
Day 1: One hour after it happened (was worse in person)
Day 2: Looking good, like pretty purple eye shadow :)
Day 3: Nice and dark purple (taken with iPhone)
Day 5: Bruises are getting much lighter
Luckily there won't be a scar, unlike the first face
accident which left one over the other eye. I know how lucky I have been that she hasn't been hurt a lot worse in her short 2 year lifespan. However, nothing can prepare you for the way you feel when your baby is in pain. Sometimes I wonder what I signed myself up for....
....Oh wait, never mind. ;)