Sunday, September 18, 2011

A Week in iPhone Pics

Week 18: September 11-17, 2011

Remembering Sept 11th with a little crimson, white, and blue.  My mom found these gems for Kathryn, Michael Kors boots!

Free time at My Gym

Fox 4 celebrated K's birthday (a couple days late, they had too many birthdays to announce on her actual day).  Sliding later that day at My Gym.

Circle time.  Such a good little mommy, feeding her baby milk.

K playing with my old barn.  She loves it!

My new sperrys!  I'm in love.

Donuts in the morning.  My Gym had an open house with a Yo Gaba Gaba character....Kathryn wasn't too thrilled.  Later that afternoon we had lunch with Grandma at Kincaids.  The look so alike.  That evening, K fell off my bed and landed on her face.  Let me remind you that my bedroom has stained concrete, not carpet, and it is 30 in from bed to floor.  My heart breaks just typing this. Needless to say, she is no longer allowed on my bed, or really in my room, for that matter.  :(  After a trip to the ER, K is going to be just fine, just a nice shiner on her face.  

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